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Reviewing Kwality Catering

Kwality Catering is one of the oldest and leading catering companies in based in Delhi, India. The ethos of Kwality over the past 7 decades has been commitment, grace and the ability to infuse the innovative with the traditional. Kwality Group operates in Delhi, Mumbai, Goa and London and they are proud to have a culinary bandwidth that not only covers most regional Indian cuisines but almost all facets of global cuisine. In the recent past they have been associated with several large events including Common Wealth Games (20000 Pax) , Formula 1 (25000 Pax), APICON 2012 (8000 Pax), SATTE - 7 years (10-15000 Pax) and IFSSH-IFSSHT (6000 Pax). They have also looked after high level receptions in several High Commission and Embassies and have considerable experience in catering for social and corporate events, annual days and conferences. Besides this, for the last 3 years they have also been catering to events in UK and other European countries through our group company based in London namely Gaylord Catering.

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