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Reviewing DJ Maark IV, Malabar Hill

DJ Maark IV, Mumbai is a trendsetter in the entertainment scene which was started by Vikram Nathwani who honed his innate talent and technical skills at DJ Aqeel’s Future DJ Academy at the tender age of 20. His invigorating sets have been a nexus of trendy EDM, Commercial Bollywood, Punjabi, Hip Hop and Pop. He has channelled his diverse experiences into his own trend-setting music. His mixing skills have led him to play internationally and locally at famous pool parties, bachelorette bashes, weddings and Mumbai’s top bars/clubs. DJ Mark IV, Mumbai has slammed the Mumbai nightlife scene at popular clubs like Tote, Playboy, Tryst, Aer, Dome, Hype, Doppio, Su Casa, Asilo and many others.

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