Package Price ( 1 day all in )
₹ 6000
Peachy Myriad by NV - Albums & Real Weddings
About Peachy Myriad by NV
Freelance Bridal Makeup Artist, honed to perfection through years of practice and experience. I concentrate on the overall satisfaction of the bride related to anything with her looks and also helping her have a great memorable day with nothing holding back!
Contact Details
BangaloreYears of Experience: 2
Events Completed: 48
Willing to Travel:
Peachy Myriad by NV is a Bridal Makeup Artist based out of NagarBhavi, Bangalore . Peachy Myriad by NV's telephone number is 7204667783, Facebook page is Peachy Myriad by NV and address is Bangalore.
In terms of pricing Peachy Myriad by NV offers various packages starting at Rs4500 /-.
Has been viewed 14 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 6 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call weddingz.in to book Peachy Myriad by NV at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.
In terms of pricing Peachy Myriad by NV offers various packages starting at Rs
Has been viewed 14 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 6 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call weddingz.in to book Peachy Myriad by NV at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.
Booking Policy
Pay 40% of the package price to book the package, rest to be paid directly to the vendor on the day of the event.
Cancellation Policy
1. This booking is non-cancellable. However the booking can be moved to another date at no extra charge.
1. Transportation charges: Artist may or may not charge transportation within the city .If the event is outside the city, Travel & Stay charges shall be borne by the client.
2. Services taken over and above of the provided package will be charged additional.
3. Weddingz.in does not accept any responsibility for third party services or service providers. We guarantee that the Makeup Artist will reach at the location on time but we are not responsible for the quality of the deliverables.