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Input your requirements & see our recommendations & prices.

Guided Visits
Visit venues on your own or with our venue expert.

Book Venue
Get final quotes (upto 30% off) and book your venue.

Book Vendors
Meet our trusted vendors and book them at your ease.
We will ensure you have a great wedding.
(Assurance applicable at a Weddingz assured venue)

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Get Rs. 10,000 cash!
Here's how it works
Contact us with your requirements
Get Weddingz.in recommendations from your Weddingz Expert
Get your price quote from one of our recommended venues (that you want to book)
Call your Weddingz expert and share the quote
Get our price quote in 2 hours
If we are not able to better your price by at least 2%, we pay you Rs.10,000 cash!!
* Terms and Conditions apply