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5 Ways to Keep The Romance Alive While Planning The Wedding

5 Ways to Keep The Romance Alive While Planning The Wedding

Okay, so the big day is fast approaching and you have dutifully taken on the role of a bridezilla. We get it. You have calls to make, venues to visit, dresses to try and so much more in your planner! Missing out on something? Yes, THE man! Often, brides-to-be get so engrossed in the wedding planning, that they tend to leave out the better half from the chaotic plans. However, he IS the reason you are doing this and you should definitely work on keeping the romance alive during wedding planning.

It does not take much to do this simple thing and trust us, you will thank yourself for doing this when it’s all over! After all, you will go home to him and it’s important to go to a home where you feel loved and welcome. Don’t let the planning get to you and keep the love and sparks alive! Don’t know how? Let us tell you!


Have a Date Night Every Week

Have a Date Night Every Week

Image Credit: Keep Calm O Matic

Remember the times you would have butterflies in your tummy at the very thought of meeting him? Yes, planning a date every week can be simple but very fruitful! It can be a simple dinner or a movie night, what’s important is that you keep things as normal as it gets. Do not bring up the wedding talk during the date and you will find yourself bringing up the old romance like never before!


Plan Some Activities Together

Plan Some Activities Together

Image Credit: Virgin Atlantic

If you can’t leave the city for a quick getaway or you are trying to save the special time for the honeymoon, you can always plan some fun activities within the city. With all the stress and running around, a couple’s spa would be a great choice for some quality time together. If you are the adventurous couple, you can always go a day trek!


Keep The Surprises Coming

Keep The Surprises Coming

Image Credit: Time and Date

Planning surprises is one of the best ways to keep the romance alive while planning the wedding. It could be a secret note saying how much you look forward to being together or an impromptu visit to his work place for a quick lunch. Big or small – keep the surprises coming and both of you will appreciate each other by the end!


Do Something To Remember The Old Days

Do Something To Remember The Old Days

Image Credit: Urban Outfitters

Remembering the old times and why you fell in love can work wonders for you! You can re-visit the town where you fell in love or you can re-create your first date – the choice is endless. You can also put together old photos and videos of you both for the wedding day.




Image Credit: Men’s XP

Yes, it is as simple as that! Communication is important for any relationship and more so during times of stress. Do not let the planning take over your lives and set aside some time for each other like it used to be. It may be a phone call or a quick chat over coffee, communication is always the key to happiness!

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