Package price ( 1 day all in )
₹ 5000
DJ Khush - Albums & Real Weddings
DJ Khush is a wedding entertainers orchestra based out of Mumbai . DJ Khush's telephone number is 76-66-77-88-99, address is .
DJ Khush is mainly known for Entertainment Services.
In terms of pricing DJ Khush offers various packages starting at Rs5000 /-.
Has been viewed 2 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 1 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call weddingz.in to book DJ Khush at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.
DJ Khush is mainly known for Entertainment Services.
In terms of pricing DJ Khush offers various packages starting at Rs
Has been viewed 2 times and shortlisted by 0 customers over the last month.
There are 1 albums here at Weddingz -- suggest you have a look. Call weddingz.in to book DJ Khush at guaranteed prices and with peace of mind.