All Inclusive 50 guests Wedding Package starting from Rs 50,000* - Click here to know more


At weddingZ.in, we love to interact with our customers and our partners. Please see the categories below to choose how to reach us.
We make every effort to respond to your inquiry within 24 hours.

I have a wedding in my family. How can Weddingz.in help?

Weddingz is a marketplace and a discovery platform for wedding venues and vendors. We are a one stop shop for all your wedding/event requirements and can connect you to the right options based on your requirements. In a nut shell, we make it convenient for you to plan your event. Our platform will allow you to do three things:

  1. Find venues/vendors, you may not know of, based on your specific requirements. Not just that, we can provide you with answers to all your questions about the particular venue/vendor, including pricing information.
  2. Get availability of multiple venues/vendors at once, instead of you doing the legwork yourself.
  3. Get negotiated prices across venue/vendors categories in order to make an informed decision. We take away the hassle of individually negotiating with several venues and vendors in order to plan your event. With Weddingz.in you get that at once and make the right decision.

How can I get in touch with WeddingZ.in?

You can write to us at info.weddingz@oyorooms.com or call us at 76-66-77-88-99 and our customer service will be happy to help☺

You claim 30% off on your website. How do we know the final price?

We mention standard rates on our website. Please select the venues/vendors you have shortlisted. Call us, and we can share our rates which are upto 30% off.

How do I avail the 30% off price?

If you like the rates we quoted and are ready to book, let us know. We will communicate to the venue/vendor and you can book directly with our negotiated rates.

Do I have to pay any fee to Weddingz.in for the service provided?

Our service is free to the customers. We are sales and marketing partners to venues.

Do you do wedding planning? Are you a wedding planner?

We are an aggregator of wedding venues and services. We connect out customers to the right venue/vendor or service depending on their specific requirements or budget. We can connect customers to wedding planners if they are looking for one.

Do you provide wedding packages?

Yes we do, but currently, we do not have them listed on our website. If you are looking for one, call us and our very competent customer relations team can customize wedding packages for you at our great prices based on your budget and requirements.

Do you provide services other than venues?

Yes, we have a comprehensive listing of other wedding services and vendors including but not limited to photographers, decorators, caterers, mehendi artists, make-up artists, transport providers, entertainers, etc. Happy to put together a team of people who will make your special day a grand success.