What is a wedding trousseau?
In the past, a trousseau was a list of gifts that the new bride needed when she moved to her new home. This would include linen, towels, new dresses, sarees, etc. It served as a statement for all, that the girl was to now start a new life with her better half.
What does wedding trousseau comprise of?
I am glad you asked. A wedding trousseau now is a bag that you pack for your first night together. This could be the night of the wedding or your honeymoon. Technically it is a list of things that will help you feel and look sexy for your partner! Also, you can include a few things for your partner to make them feel comfortable on this special night.
We have marked out a not so elaborate list of must-haves in your trousseau trunk. Let’s get started.
1) A New Scent Or Your Partner’s Favourite Perfume

Image Source: Ester.perfumes
You want to make yourself desirable to your partner, so we start with the sense of smell. Picking a new perfume may be tricky so take your partner along when you go shopping for one. Asking him or her for their opinion is vital.
2) Body And Hair Essentials

Image Source: gib_niaschol
So when we say body essentials, we mean a good body wash and body cream. This is for your bare skin. We need it shiny and smooth. Find a combination that works best with your skin and use it on your special night.
3) Sexy Lingerie

Image Source: peilieshop
Honestly, sexy lingerie needs no explanation. Pick something that you feel comfortable in. Behind closed doors let your imagination run wild. After all, this is your first impression. Make it count!
4) A Silk Robe And Silk Pyjamas

Image Source: maggiewustudio
The silk robe is to cover up when you feel less naughty and cold. The pyjamas are for later when you do decide to fall asleep.
5) A Ring Box

Image Source: jewelleryavenue
You’ve got your new perfect ring on your finger and now you need a place to put it so you do not lose it.
6) A Stylish Travel Trunk

Image Source: swpbyirina
You need a place to keep all your fancy and pose things. Invest in a cute trunk that you can carry on the plane, so you always have your sexy essentials with you.
7) New Makeup

Image Source: lashawn_avon_essentials
Your trousseau is a gift to make you look your best. Adding new makeup to the bag like a good blush, waterproof mascara, great highlight and some juicy lipsticks. Keep your makeup light on your honeymoon. It is going to get wiped off anyway.
There are a bunch of other things that could go into a trousseau. Include some vanilla candles and some potpourri. You could opt for anything lace, extra ribbons, maybe even some dark chocolate, the possibilities are endless.
We’d also suggest asking a friend to pack this bag for you. Besides the essentials, it would be a sweet surprise when you get to your honeymoon suite!